The OHS audit service has been introduced by us because many employers are not quite sure whether or not they meet all the OHS requirements. One benefits a lot more if such an audit is carried out in the presence of an OHS Specialist rather than in the presence of an inspector from the State Labour Inspectorate.
Our OHS Specialists audit many different aspects of a business, sharing knowledge on organising workplaces to meet the legal regulations and on maintaining the required OHS records.
OHS training, fire prevention training and First Aid training
Occupational risk assessment including physical, chemical, biological and manual handling factors
OHS instructions
Management of work clothes
Organisation of workstations
First aid system
OHS signage
A review, by an OHS Specialist, of a number of different aspects, including OHS signage, OHS instructions and the first aid system.
Following a thorough examination of OHS aspects of a business, a report is drafted for the Employer with recommendations on those aspects that need improvement.
If the assessment reveals irregularities, our OHS Specialist can draft a plan of actions that will bring OHS documentation and workplaces up to the binding OHS standards.