Form IDOM - OHS form Choose a company branch (city) * WarsawWrocław Your name * Departure date * Date of return * Phone number * E-mail adress * Place of work (address, area, etc.) * Project number * The person authorizing the trip * Detailed description of the activities performed * Expected hazards related to the work performed * work at height work in excavations mountainous terrain swampy area proximity to rivers or lakes proximity to electrically powered devices/lines outside built-up areas (forests, etc.) work on/near a road railway area Other hazards Detailed description of the hazards (e.g. working at height - at what height, or at the edges of the viaduct / buildings, etc.) * Unfavorable weather conditions expected strong wind low temperatures (below 0°C) high temperatures (above 30°C) heavy rainfall heavy snowfall Other weather conditions Number of delegation teams * Team Leader #1 * Participants of Team No. 1 * 0.00 0.00 Team Leader #2 * Participants of Team No. 2 * 0.00 0.00 Team Leader #3 * Participants of Team No. 3 * 0.00 0.00 Team Leader #4 * Participants of Team No. 4 * 0.00 0.00 Send