periodic training
Periodic Training for office workers

The periodic Health and Safety training for administrative and office employees, which we conduct via videoconference, focuses on specific issues related to office work and current legal regulations in the field of occupational health and safety. The training covers selected labor law provisions, including the rights and obligations of employees and employers in terms of OHS, as well as the responsibility for violations of OHS regulations and rules. We also discuss the protection of women and young workers, workplace accidents, occupational diseases, and the benefits associated with them, as well as preventive health protection for employees.

A particular element of the training concerns issues related to remote work, including the assessment of hazards present in home working conditions and guidelines for ergonomically setting up a home office. We also cover the latest legal regulations and recommendations regarding remote work to ensure safety and health standards are maintained even outside the traditional office environment.

Another important aspect of the training is the assessment of hazards present in office work processes and new methods for protecting the health and safety of employees. Special attention is given to topics related to the organization of office workstations, taking into account ergonomic principles. We discuss the optimal arrangement of workstations equipped with display screens and other office devices to improve comfort and workplace safety.

During the training, participants will also learn about procedures for handling accidents and emergency situations, such as fires or equipment failures. An essential part of the training is the discussion of first aid principles, which are crucial for ensuring a quick response to sudden incidents.

Through this training, administrative and office employees will gain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that can be applied in their daily work, both in the office and when working remotely, ensuring a safe work environment for themselves and others.

Time: 12:00

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