periodic training
Periodic Training for manual workers

The periodic Health and Safety training we conduct via videoconference is tailored to the specifics of the work performed and aims not only to refresh but also to deepen the participants’ knowledge of occupational health and safety. During the training, we cover current legal regulations concerning OHS, with a particular focus on those relevant to the participants’ positions.

One of the key aspects of the training is identifying hazards related to factors present in work processes, as well as discussing the principles and methods for eliminating or minimizing them. We focus on practical solutions, including the use of collective and individual protective measures that can enhance workplace safety.

An important part of the training is preparing participants to respond appropriately to emergency situations, such as accidents, fires, or equipment failures. We go over procedures for dealing with such cases, as well as the principles of first aid, which are essential for a quick and effective response to unexpected incidents.

Additionally, we analyze the causes and circumstances of workplace accidents specific to the industry, and we present preventive measures aimed at avoiding similar incidents in the future. This way, participants not only gain theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that they can apply in their daily work.

Time: 10:30

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